African American Collaborative Obesity Research Network Center for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine |
8th Floor Blockley Hall Philadelphia, PA 19104 |
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The African American Collaborative Obesity Research Network (AACORN) provides Black communities with trustworthy evidence about ways to improve African American health. The majority of AACORN members and affiliates are researchers who have grown up in U.S. Black communities.
There is an urgent need to address diet, physical activity, and weight issues that affect the health of children and adults in the U.S. The need is particularly serious in Black communities because the number of people affected is so high.
Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and some types of cancer are partly caused or worsened by poor diet, lack of physical activity, and excess body weight.
Changes in food intake, physical activity, and weight can prevent or help to control these health problems.
Black adults have especially high rates of these health problems.
Black Americans report eating and physical activity patterns that do not meet health guidelines
Height and weight measurements of Black Americans reveal unhealthy weight levels in at least 1 in 4 boys and girls, 1 in 3 men and 1 in every 2 women.
Many Black Americans recognize that size can matter for anyone’s health.
Many Black children and adults have weight-related health problems.
Many Black parents are concerned about their children’s weight.
Many Black Americans report that they are trying to eat healthier foods, be more active, and lose weight.
Having easier access to healthy food at good prices makes it easier to buy healthier foods.
Black shoppers often express frustration with the effort it takes to obtain the types of foods that are recommended for a healthy diet and with the high prices of these foods in neighborhood stores.
Black shoppers also note high-fat or high-sugar foods are often better bargains than healthier foods.
Changing the way you eat should not mean giving up good tasting food.
To promote healthier eating, neighborhoods should have a mix of clean and appealing food stores and other food outlets that offer and promote fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods, and other foods recommended in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines.
More safe and affordable ways to be physically active make it more likely that people will be active.
The amount of physical activity needed to support good health and help control weight is much higher than most people realize.
Days usually involve long hours of sitting with little moving around.
To promote physical activity, neighborhoods should have attractive and safe parks, recreation centers, schoolyards, places to walk, and organizations with routines (e.g., physical activity breaks) that promote physical activity.
Some communities are creating more options for healthy eating and physical activity. Many more of these types of efforts are needed.
Successful community-level change requires the input and support of community members who are inspired to raise their voices to improve conditions for their families and the broader community.
No community wants to be told what they should change; people have to want change for it to happen and be sustainable.
Community leaders need support from the community at large for change efforts to work.
Support for specific changes may depend on how they affect jobs or economic resources.
Recommendations for change must fit with community members’ beliefs, values, and priorities.
Anyone, and especially youth, can lead or contribute to positive change.
US Department of Agriculture. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
US Department of Health and Human Services. National Physical Activity Guidelines.
National Academy of Sciences. Institute of Medicine. Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention. Free download at:
National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine. Creating Equal Opportunities for a Healthy Weight. Free download at:
African American Collaborative Obesity Research Network. Community Centered View on Activity Food and Weight.
Baradel LA, Gillespie C, Kicklighter JR, Doucette MM, Penumetcha M, Blanck HM. Temporal changes in trying to lose weight and recommended weight-loss strategies among overweight and obese Americans, 1996-2003. Prev Med. 2009 Aug-Sep;49(2-3):158-64.
Basics About Childhood Obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (Accessed October 2014)
Casagrande SS, Whitt-Glover MC, Lancaster KJ, Odoms-Young AM, Gary TL. Built environment and health behaviors among African Americans: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2009 Feb;36(2):174-81.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health United States, 2013. List of Tables: – See Tables 68, 69, and 70
Clarke PJ, O'Malley PM, Johnston LD, Schulenberg JE, Lantz P. Differential trends in weight-related health behaviors among American young adults by gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status: 1984-2006. Am J Public Health. 2009 Oct;99(10):1893-901.
Communities Putting Prevention to Work – A collection of articles in the Journal “Preventing Chronic Diseases. The articles focus on implementation or evaluation of healthy retail initiatives.
DiSantis, K, Grier S , Odoms-Young A, Baskin M, Carter-Edwards L, Rohm Young D, Lassiter V, and Kumanyika, S. What “Price” Means When Buying Food: Insights From a Multisite Qualitative Study With Black Americans. American Journal of Public Health: March 2013, Vol. 103, No. 3, pp. 516-522.
Duncan M J., Spence JC., and Mummery WK. "Perceived environment and physical activity: a meta-analysis of selected environmental characteristics." International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2.1 (2005): 11.
Gavin JR 3rd, Fox KM, Grandy S. Race/Ethnicity and gender differences in health intentions and behaviors regarding exercise and diet for adults with type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional analysis. BMC Public Health. 2011 Jul 5;11:533.
Halbert CH, Bellamy S, Briggs V, Bowman M, Delmoor E, Kumanyika S, Rogers R, Purnell J, Weathers B, Johnson JC. Collective efficacy and obesity-related health behaviors in a community sample of African Americans. J Community Health. 2014 Feb;39(1):124-31.
Johnson-Askew WL, Fisher R, Henderson K, Schwartz M. Attitudes of African American advocates toward childhood obesity. Ethn Dis. 2011 Summer;21(3):268-73. PubMed PMID: 21942157.
Kirkpatrick SI, Dodd KW, Reedy J, Krebs-Smith SM. Income and race/ethnicity are associated with adherence to food-based dietary guidance among US adults and children. J Acad Nutr Diet 2012;112(5):624-635 e6.
Kumanyika SK, Gary TL, Lancaster KJ, Samuel-Hodge CD, Banks-Wallace J, Beech BM, Hughes-Halbert C, Karanja N, Odoms-Young AM, Prewitt TE, Whitt-Glover MC. Achieving healthy weight in African-American communities: research perspectives and priorities. Obes Res. 2005 Dec;13(12):2037-47. PubMed PMID: 16421334.
Kumanyika SK, Whitt-Glover MC, Gary TL, Prewitt TE, Odoms-Young AM, Banks-Wallace J, Beech BM, Halbert CH, Karanja N, Lancaster KJ, Samuel-Hodge CD. (2007). Expanding the obesity research paradigm to reach African American communities. Prev Chronic Dis. 4(4):A112.
Levi, J, Segal, L, Laurent, R, Rayburn, J (2014).The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America. (Accessed October 2014)
McNeill, Lorna H., Molly Coeling, Elaine Puleo, Elizabeth Gonzalez Suarez, Gary G. Bennett, and Karen M. Emmons. 2009. Colorectal cancer prevention for low-income, sociodemographically-diverse adults in public housing: baseline findings of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 9:353.
Phipps EJ, Kumanyika SK, Stites SD, Singletary SB, Cooblall C, DiSantis KI. Buying food on sale: a mixed methods study with shoppers at an urban supermarket, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2010-2012. Prev Chronic Dis. 2014 Sep 4;11:E151.
Plescia M, Herrick H, Chavis L. Improving health behaviors in an African American community: the Charlotte Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health project. Am J Public Health. 2008 Sep;98(9):1678-84.
Soler RE, Whitten KL, Ottley PG. Communities putting prevention to work: Local evaluation of community-based strategies designed to make healthy living easier. Prev Med. 2014 Aug 20.
Stommel M, Schoenborn CA. Variations in BMI and prevalence of health risks in diverse racial and ethnic populations. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Sep;18(9):1821-6.
Taylor WC, King KE, Shegog R, Paxton RJ, Evans-Hudnall GL, Rempel DM, Chen V, Yancey AK. Booster Breaks in the workplace: participants' perspectives on health-promoting work breaks. Health Educ Res. 2013 Jun;28(3):414-425.
The Community Toolbox. Section 3: Healthy Cities/Healthy Communities. (Accessed October 2014)
Whitt-Glover MC., Bennett G, and Sallis, J. Introduction to the active living research supplement: Disparities in environments and policies that support active living. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 45.1 (2013): 1-5.
Whitt-Glover MC, Hunter JC, Foy CG, Quandt SA, Vitolins MZ, Leng I, Hornbuckle LM, Sanya KA, Bertoni AG. Translating the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet for use in underresourced, urban African American communities, 2010. Prev Chronic Dis. 2013;10:120088.
Whitt-Glover, M. C., Ham, S. A., & Yancey, A. K. (2011). Instant Recess®: A practical tool for increasing physical activity during the school day. Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action, 5(3), 289-297.
Zenk SN, Schulz AJ, Odoms-Young AM. How neighborhood environments contribute to obesity. Am J Nurs. 2009 Jul;109(7):61-4.
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